Partner lab price : 15.66 €/h
Public and private lab price : 55.41 €/h
Public and private lab price : 55.41 €/h
Associated technologies:
Brief description:
State-of-the-art, fully motorized, zen software-driven, upright widefield epifluorescence microscope equipped with an apotome slider and DIC optics. Fluorescence and brightfield/darkfield/polarisation/DIC (w/b large field size camera).
For any multidimensional acquisition (X,Y,Z, lambda and t).
5X Plan Apochromat 0.16
10X Plan Apochromat 0.45 NA DIC
20X Plan Apochromat 0.8 NA DIC
40X Plan Apochromat 1.3 NA oil DIC
63X Plan Apochromat 1.4NA oil
100X Plan Apochromat 1.46 oil DIC
1 ORCA-Flash4 LT Hamamatsu monochrome camera
(2048 x 2048 pixels, 6.5µm pixel size)
BSL1 environment
5X Plan Apochromat 0.16
10X Plan Apochromat 0.45 NA DIC
20X Plan Apochromat 0.8 NA DIC
40X Plan Apochromat 1.3 NA oil DIC
63X Plan Apochromat 1.4NA oil
100X Plan Apochromat 1.46 oil DIC
1 ORCA-Flash4 LT Hamamatsu monochrome camera
(2048 x 2048 pixels, 6.5µm pixel size)
BSL1 environment
Light sources:
XCite 120LED, Zen-driven LED light source for episcopic illumination.
White Carl Zeiss LED source for diascopic illumination
Binocular tube, stage (X, Y and Z), fluorescence filter set turret, condenser turret, objective turret, apotome slider.
Fluorescence filter sets:
Texas Red
Polariser +/- a green filter for Picrosirius Red imaging.
XCite 120LED, Zen-driven LED light source for episcopic illumination.
White Carl Zeiss LED source for diascopic illumination
Binocular tube, stage (X, Y and Z), fluorescence filter set turret, condenser turret, objective turret, apotome slider.
Fluorescence filter sets:
Texas Red
Polariser +/- a green filter for Picrosirius Red imaging.
Available acquisition techniques:
Any slide acquisition automation in both fluorescence and transmission modes. Images acquired with both color and w/b cameras are automatically realigned.
Mosaic acquisition (full slide scan, slices on a slide scan) with user defined autofocus mode and autofocus map.
User-defined protocols
Any slide acquisition automation in both fluorescence and transmission modes. Images acquired with both color and w/b cameras are automatically realigned.
Mosaic acquisition (full slide scan, slices on a slide scan) with user defined autofocus mode and autofocus map.
User-defined protocols
Image quality:
Both axial resolution and contrast in epifluorescence mode may be improved using the Grid Projection Illumination technique (aka "apotome"). The grid lines spacing is automatically set (motorized apotome slide). The spatial resolution may be further improved using deconvolution (Huygens or Zen software).
Both axial resolution and contrast in epifluorescence mode may be improved using the Grid Projection Illumination technique (aka "apotome"). The grid lines spacing is automatically set (motorized apotome slide). The spatial resolution may be further improved using deconvolution (Huygens or Zen software).
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