The MRI Center for Image Analysis (MRI-CIA)
MRI-CIA has been created to answer the bioimage analysis needs of the users of MRI. We offer comprehensive support for bioimage analysis, from the start of a research project to publication. The support we provide is tailored to each individual case and can include one-on-one software training or the creation of custom analysis tools. We handle various aspects of image analysis, such as for example (list non-comprehensive):
- image data handling
- image restoration and registration
- quantitative image analysis and visualization
- instance segmentation and tracking
- morphological and intensity quantification
- colocalization analysis and spatial statistics
MRI-CIA closely collaborates with the other engineers of the MRI core facility in order to ensure optimal image acquisition modalities for downstream quantitative analysis.
Please find more information here: The MRI image analysis service.pdf
Download a project project form: mri-cia-project-form.pdf