Inverted Olympus IX83

Partner lab price : 5.36 €/hour
Public and private lab price: 22.32 €/hour
Associated technologies:
  • 2D imaging
  • Videomicroscopy

  • Brief description:
    Olympus inverted widefield videomicroscope for timelapse in 2D with low resolution, reduced speed, long kinetics in multi-positions in epifluorescent or transmitted light (brightfield, phase contrast, like-DIC)

    Controled by Metamorph
    10X UPFLN 0.3NA PH1
    20X LUCPLFLN 0.45NA PH1
    20X LUCPLFLN 0.45NA RC2
    40X LUCPLFLN 0.6NA PH2
    40X LUCPLFLN 0.6NA RC2

    1 ZYLA 4.2 MP scMOS camera
    (2048*2048 pixels, 6.5µm pixel size)

    temperature and CO2 control
    Type of acquisition :
    -widefield epifluorescent microscopy
    -transmitted light microscope in bright field, phase contrats or DIC-like mode.

    The Multi-dimensional Acquisition module in Metamorph controls the multi-series of images in multi-channels, multi-positions, multi-Z planes, multi-timepoints.

    Filter cubes:
    Illumination sources:
    White LED Xcite
    Compatible sample carriers:
    multi-well plastic plate; slide or bottom glass/plastic labtek, 35mm diameter disk bottom glass/plastic