Partner lab price : 15.66 €/h
Public and private lab price : 55.41 €/h
Public and private lab price : 55.41 €/h
Technologies associées :
Brève description :
Luxendo Light Sheet microscope for 3D live imaging of small organisms (such as embryos). The set-up has 2 illumination arms with 4 laser lines (488, 515, 561 and 642nm) and 2 emission arms with 2 emission objectives (33.3X final magnification).Controlled by Luxendo software
10X Plan FLUOR 0.3NA Water Nikon *2
20X XLUMPlanFL N 1.0NA Water Olympus *2
2 sCMOS Hamamatsu Orca Flash 4 V2 cameras
(2048*2048, 6.5µm pixel size)
temperature between 10 and 40°C and CO2 control
10X Plan FLUOR 0.3NA Water Nikon *2
20X XLUMPlanFL N 1.0NA Water Olympus *2
2 sCMOS Hamamatsu Orca Flash 4 V2 cameras
(2048*2048, 6.5µm pixel size)
temperature between 10 and 40°C and CO2 control
Acquisition modes:
Light sheet imaging in multi-channels mode (widefield or confocal), in multi-Z stacks, in multi-timepoints, in multi-angles with the sample rotation
Z-piezo stage with 20nm resolution, XY stage with 100nm resolution and sample rotation in 360° angle
Light sheet imaging in multi-channels mode (widefield or confocal), in multi-Z stacks, in multi-timepoints, in multi-angles with the sample rotation
Z-piezo stage with 20nm resolution, XY stage with 100nm resolution and sample rotation in 360° angle
Illumination sources:
laser 488nm
laser 515nm
laser 561nm
laser 642nm
Light sheet generated with a digital light scanner
Spectral selection:
5 emission filters in a filter wheel
GFP (488 LP)
GFP en combinaison (525/50 BP)
YFP (535/30 BP)
Cherry (561 LP)
FarRed (642 LP)
laser 488nm
laser 515nm
laser 561nm
laser 642nm
Light sheet generated with a digital light scanner
Spectral selection:
5 emission filters in a filter wheel
GFP (488 LP)
GFP en combinaison (525/50 BP)
YFP (535/30 BP)
Cherry (561 LP)
FarRed (642 LP)
Sample carriers:
the sample is prepared in a glass capillary either embedded in a gel or loaded in a well formed in the gel. This capillary is charged in the sample carrier on the stage.
Each project done on this MuViSPIM needs specific development for the sample preparation
the sample is prepared in a glass capillary either embedded in a gel or loaded in a well formed in the gel. This capillary is charged in the sample carrier on the stage.
Each project done on this MuViSPIM needs specific development for the sample preparation