Miltenyi MACS quant

Partner lab price : 21.78 €/hour
Public and private lab price: 59.44 €/hour
Brief description:
Flow cytometry cell analyzer, 3 lasers, up to 8 fluorescences and 2 physical parameters measured.
Violet laser excitation- 405 nm:
- Filter 1V1 450/50BP
- Filter 2 V2 525/50BP

Blue laser excitation- 488 nm:
- Filter 3 B1 525/50BP
- Filter 4 B2 585/40BP
- Filter 5 B3 692/75BP
- Filter 6 B4 750LP

Red laser excitation - 635 nm:
- Filter 7 R1 692/75BP
- Filter 8 R2 750LP
Compatible vessels:
Automatic sampler for 5/15/50mL tubes or any 96 wells plate. Up to 4 reagents may be automatically dispatched to the sample.

Technical specifications:
- acquistion speed up to 10 000 events per second
Technology :
Absolute cell counts are determined volumetrically, calculated automatically, and read out as events/μL for every sample and population. Cell counts are available in under a minute, eliminating the need for expensive counting beads or particles.

Available techniques:
Intracellular or cell-surface staining of fixed or alive (BSL1 only) cells.

Please mind that the premises are biosafety level (BSL) one. A cell culture hood and incubator are available for any sample preparation.
Inquiries may be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.